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发布时间:2024-06-13 23:06:33

『壹』 2020哪些数字货币最有潜力


在不久的将来,游戏行业是最有可能首先大规模采用区块链的产业。Enjin Coin是由Enjin创建的虚拟商品的加密货币。 Enjin是“最大的在线游戏社区平台”,拥有超过250,000个游戏社区和1,870万注册游戏玩家。

2、Cardano(ADA )





3、Nash Exchange(NEX)

随着STO(Security Token Offerings)的流行,Nash也在其中扮演重要角色。Nash是一种注册安全的Token(Security Token),过去一段时间,Nash参与和领导了多起项目的开发。

Nash Exchange是一个去中心化的交易所,如果持有NEX token,可以在此计算可以得到的股息分红。

4、Basic Attention Token (BAT)




在过去的6个月到12个月当中,使用brave浏览器(注:brave浏览器支持BAT token)发布者迅速增长,几乎没有哪个区块链生态有如此快。




Chainlink的一个主要问题类似于以太坊,开发团队保留了6.5亿个LINK token,而目前只有3.5亿token在流通。

6、以太坊 Ethereum(ETH)

Ethereum 长期盘踞Top 100 Cryptocurrencies第二名的位置,它的生态已经如此之大,以至于我们现在已经不能称它为山寨币(altcoin)。说实话,个人长期不太看好Ethereum(原因会专门开帖另说),但在短期内还是会蓬勃发展的。

『贰』 什么是ETB

Economic International Technology简称ETB,中文名全球比特联盟, 为解决现在区块链技术所遇到的问题,2017年五月中旬由全球最大比特币矿工联盟发起成立ETB项目组,历时半年时间ETB通过最顶尖加密技术在继承比特币优良特性的基础上对现存问题进行革新,ETB加密货币总发行量2100万枚,ETB区块使用现在的线性算法进行挖矿动作,而是使用仿生的房产网络算力继承模式,形成一个虚拟货币房产网络,我们把每一个账户认定为一个ETB,把每一个支付结算应用利用房产末梢的模拟完成最终的支付即时完成。


























Cloud - referred to as "ETB, Chinese bits of Cloud, to solve the problems now block chain technology, by the world's largest currency in mid-may 2017 miners union launched ETBproject team, lasted six months, ETBby top encryption technology on the basis of succeeding to the good features of the currency of existing problems in innovation, ETBencryption currency a circulation of 21 million pieces, ETBblock using linear algorithm for mining action now, but using bionic property network force inheritance pattern, forming a network of virtual currency property, us to identify each account as a ETB, apply every payment settlement to complete the final payment of housing endings simulation done immediately.

Technology is making great originally complex world becomes simple. No more long, only for decades, the high and new technology such as computer, Internet, smart phones, let ordinary people once unimaginable transactions, such as global communication become reality and simple. At present in the field of more complex global real estate investment and financing, is also usher in a change to the simple. Thanks to block the rise of chain technology and intelligent use of contract, and by the Eit platform into reality.

ETBhope, through technology and intelligent use of investment contract based on block chain platform, link to global investors and real estate projects, and online visual rendering the whole real estate projects, from raw materials, logistics, to the completion of construction, to operation and benefits, etc., let the real estate investment in a transparent and easy to understand, predictable, through the platform of ETB, any investors can invest in real estate projects of any country, developers will also can more directly in the face of investors.

May recall our daily online life: when we phase of a proct, all fees paid to first trading platform, such as taobao or jingdong, and then wait for the businessman shipment, after we confirm receive the goods, the platform to transfer the cost to merchants. In the shopping process, we can believe that the strange sellers, because we have no choice but can only believe that the trading platform, otherwise, cannot trade. And based on block chain technology is not so complicated, in Eit platform, for example, investors and developers only need to believe that your judgment can direct interaction, Eit need to do, just for investors to strict audit status and real estate projects, normal trading platform and provide tokens, guaranteed.

If yesterday, block chain technology application is limited to a few financial sectors such as banking, securities, fund, so now, block chain have begun to directly affect the daily life of ordinary people, the emergence of Eit dispersible in real estate investment platform, as well as the block chain into the construction instry, changed our ideas about traditional in the field of real estate investment and financing, trust and cooperation have been so easy.

As COINS COINS community technology research and development center, at the same time shoulder the mission of the guide the whole instry technology innovation, we are in the process of evolving block chain technology, found that some fatal problems the instry! Including the currency block chain technology! So we started since 2018 to now block chain technology innovation and iteration, the following will be detailed in this paper, the problems and ETB block by block chain chain how to deal with these problems, at the same time announced life block chain core algorithm.

Problem a: block chain can't really into consumption scene!

The currency's long-term vision is digitally docking to the existing monetary system, for the currency to become real currency digital kernel, but whether the currency or other block chain technology can really achieve this goal, at least so far all chain blocks only have an attribute that is investment property, the problem is the main reason of the technology on a few questions, first of all, digital currency trading time, the existing block chain trading technology is unable to realize real-time transaction, because at the beginning of the design for the sake of safety and decentralization, we abandoned the timeliness of the method. Unable to complete real-time delivery, money is the biggest problem!

Problem two: block is lost!

This problem is a comprehensive problem, missing some blocks generally appear in several cases:

1, accounts tag missing

2, mill tag missing

3, all without effective inheritance

This problem seems to be very small, but for the influence of block chain is deadly, because after constantly lost finally the amount of blocks will be less and less, so the corresponding value will continue to increase, increase investment speculators driving force, to the health of a block chain development create a vicious cycle for a long time, and let the user to the whole block chain cannot be trusted.

Question 3: decentralized technology operations

COINS community is to the existence of decentralized technology updates, but we really can't finish the really good technology updated quickly because most of the cold wallet and ore confidential to accept this time iterative update, update technology to complete, the currency on the design and fairness are no problem, but actually we ignored an important part of the problem - the delayed! We found that want to complete a technical iteration now is almost impossible, because no one is willing to change, perhaps this is the biggest problem we met!

ETB property chain network blocks will be easy to solve the above problem!

Solution a: aging consumption trading scene

Consumption scenarios in the design of ETB - online and offline mainly divided into two levels, the first thing we change our cognition to the wallet, purse is first and foremost a network version of the life not cold purse design, main is to solve the timing of the deal.

Online transactions: each link need to be paid for the online application can be docking API, our wallet quickly complete the transaction, currency delivery time 1 to 3 seconds.

Offline payment: offline payment, we will provide a similar API to pay the tool design manufacturers, through rapid development kit, complete offline payment tool development, trading time is also 1-3 seconds!

Solution 2: wallet binding mechanism

First of all we are thinking about a question - what is the end user's credentials? Mobile Internet era, the mobile phone is the most limitation and accurate user security credentials, our wallet design based on the binding of user's phone, through binding mobile phone link not only can effectively solve the problem of account lost, succession and effectively solve!

Solution 3: decentralized technology

Why call technology operations here! Technical update is actually on the system's operation, we have design a voting mechanism in Eit all wallet, according to a weight system to complete the voting link through the weighting system of fast is mandatory to complete the wallet and mining machine force update!

Future has come, in the hope that the introction of the Eit can truly the innovation of the whole block chain instry!



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